Welcome to the Parish of Upton Pyne & Cowley

As a new resident in the villages, the Parish Council would like to welcome you. We hope you will be happy in our friendly and active villages. Here are a few key pieces of information which might help you to join in our community.

Parish Council
The council meets on the second Monday of every month at 7.30 in the Village Hall (in Upton Pyne) except for December and August. Members of the public are welcome to attend; the first 15 minutes are devoted to matters raised by non-members. The website is www.uptonpyne-pc.org.uk.

Speke Up
The parish magazine for Upton Pyne (and Cowley) and Brampford Speke is a good source of information about what is on and holds advertisements for local tradesmen. A small yearly subscription gives you a delivery ten times a year. Details available from spekeup@btinternet.com.

There are boards giving information about local events outside the Village Hall, at the end of Glebe Close (Upton Pyne), in Bernaville Nurseries (Cowley) and at Jackmoor.

Village Hall
A regular series of classes and events is ongoing in the Hall (see Speke Up and noticeboards for details). The Hall can also be hired for private use.

There are ten Church of England churches and two Baptist chapels in the Netherexe Mission Community and services are spread around all the churches. Details are in the Upton Pyne church porch and in Speke Up.

Friends of Upton Pyne
A fund-raising group has, in the last few years, worked to maintain the fabric and grounds of our lovely church. The web-site shows the improvements which have been achieved: friendsofuptonpyne.com .

Social Club
The Upton Pyne social club is open to members six nights a week (not on Wednesdays) from 8pm to 11pm and welcomes new members.

Coffee morning
A village coffee morning with a bring-and-buy stall occurs on the first Monday of every month at 11am in the Village Hall.
Garden Club
Garden Club is on the third Monday of the month, with some exceptions, and hosts invited speakers, a spring flower show and some garden visits. Details from junemnicks@talktalk.net 

Sing UP is the recently-formed choir, performing at social functions and in the church. Details from timmurfin@rushpost.com.
Mobile Library
The mobile library visits on the third Wednesday of the month, 11.00 – 11.45, parked at the Village Hall.

Refuse collection
Rubbish is collected on a Friday morning: every week for recycling; fortnightly for landfill refuse.

There are two buses per week to Exeter from Upton Pyne, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving at 10 28am and returning from Exeter at 1.30pm. There are buses to Exeter every 15 mins from Cowley.

Newspaper delivery
The only place that delivers newspapers to the villages, seven days a week, is Country News (01392 833672). Newspapers and milk can be bought at Bernaville Nurseries, seven days a week.

Milk delivery
Milk & More (0345 606 3606) delivers milk on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Baby and Toddler Group
The group meets at Brampford Speke Village Hall on Thursday mornings during term time.

Neighbourhood Watch
The contact number for Upton Pyne is 840089, for Cowley it is 851634