Meetings, Agendas & Minutes

Upton Pyne Parish Council usually meet on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm in Upton Pyne Village Hall. There are some exceptions so please check the dates on the agenda which will be posted on the notice board by the Village Hall and by the bus stop in Cowley about 7 days before a meeting and also on this website.

Members of the Press and Public are very welcome to attend some or all of the meeting.

If you have an issue that you would like the Parish Council to consider please forward your request to the Clerk or a Councillor by the first of each month. Decisions can only be made on the items on the agenda. - We look forward to meeting you.

Agendas will be available approximately 6 days before a meeting and are posted up on the Parish Council notice boards in Upton Pyne and Cowley, (at Bernaville Nurseries).

17 Jan 25

Minutes November


17 Feb 25

Minutes January 2025
